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APA 7th Edition Guide: Reference List Examples

Reference List Format

  • The entire reference list should be double-spaced.
  • Entries should be organized alphabetically by the authors' last names. If a work has no author, the title should be used instead.
  • If a citation takes up more than one line in your document, the second and any subsequent lines should be indented.
  • Citations for sources with one to twenty authors must list all authors. Citations for sources with more than twenty authors should end the list the first nineteen authors, use an ellipsis (...), then list the final author's name.

For more information on formatting your references list, see chapter 9 of the APA Publication Manual.


Book with a Single Author

Crucet, J.C. (2015). Make your home among strangers. St. Martin's Press.

Book with an Editor

Holt, J. (Ed.). (2014). Leonard Cohen and philosophy. Open Court.

Article/Chapter in an Edited Book

Gries, Laurie. (2016). On rhetorical becoming. In S. Barnet (Ed.), Rhetoric, through everyday things (pp. 155-170), University of Alabama Press.

Electronic Book

Fairholm, M.R., & Fairholm, G.W. (2009). Understanding leadership perspectives: Theoretical and practical approaches [eBook edition] Springer.


Article from a Library Database

Ijalba, E. (2016). Hispanic immigrant mothers of young children with autism spectrum disorders: How do they understand and cope with autism?. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(2), 200-213.

Article from a Printed Magazine

Max, D.T. (2017, April). Beyond human. National Geographic, 40-63.

Article from a Printed Newspaper

Kaiman, J. (2017, April). A convicted killer's rise to folk hero. Los Angeles Times, A4.

Article from a Printed Journal

Norton, J.M. Improving outcomes for patients with chronic kidney disease. American Journal of Nursing, 117(3), 26-36.


Webpage with Individual Author

Clagget, K.T. (2017, March 9). Meet the U.S. Copyright Office: Creativity at work. Library of Congress.

Webpage with Organization as Author

Autism Speaks. (2017, March 6). World's largest autism genome database shines new light on many 'autisms.' Autism Speaks. 

Video on Website (YouTube)

Smarthistory. (2014, June 1). Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. [video]. YouTube. 

Other Sources

Artwork in a Museum or from a Museum Website

Gentileschi, A. (1614-1620) Judith slaying Holofernes [oil on canvas]. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.


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