If you are finding that your OER content should exist within a compilation or anthology then this creation might fall under the definition of a collection.
A "collection" is where individual pieces of work exist as part of a new whole. Each work still retains its original characteristics and there is a distinct delineation of where one work begins and the other ends. (2)
An example could be the combining of separate chapters that have been sourced from different textbooks or individual manuscripts by different authors. These separate pieces continue to exist in their original form but have been brought together to create a new collection of works.
How can a Creative Commons License be applied to a collection?
The assignment of a new Creative Commons license to a final project will not replace the existing licenses of the individual works. The new license will only apply to any original content that has been created by you while the individual works within the collection will retain the terms of their existing license.
Points to consider:
Because each Creative Commons license includes the element "Attribution" it is important to consider what should be included in your final work to ensure that proper attribution is made.
Below is a helpful acronym to help recall what information should be included in all of the material that has a creative commons license.
- Title of the work.
- Author of work with a link to their profile page if available.
- The source with a link to the original work.
- The license that has been assigned to the deed.
For examples and further illustrations, please visit the Creative Commons guide How to Give Attribution.