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Communication Studies: Websites

Statistics and Data

U.S. Census Bureau
Access census statistics, and social, demographic and economic information.

American FactFinder
Find data from the U.S. Census Bureau on population, housing, economics, and more. 

Data and Statistics About the U.S.
Find links to access government data and statistics from various federal, state, and local government entities. Scroll down to the "Find Government Data and Statistics" section to see the links.
Search across the open data from the U.S. government. You can also browse data by topic.

Tips and Tricks for Google Searches

Public Opinion and Polls

Pew Research Center
A non-partisan fact tank that conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other other data-driven social science research.

Reuters Polling
Data from Reuter's U.S. public opinion polling since 2012.

Odum Institute
Contains social science data curated and archived by the Odum Institute Data Archive at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Please note that not all data from this site is freely available.

Evaluating Websites

Remember, anyone can publish anything online!  Make sure you take a critical look at any websites you are considering using for your research! 

Watch the video below and check out our Information Evaluation guide for more details.

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